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DIY – Stoneware

DIY – Stoneware
DIY – Stoneware

One of my favorite things about Pinterest and TikTok is seeing the awesome DIYs that people come up with. It’s even better when I can add little updates to my using items found at the Dollar Store. This quick & cheap DIYs are so much fun and can add some serious character and depth to your home.

Fun Fact: Growing up, every time we’d visit my grandparents, my brother and I would take a trip to the dollar store with my grandpa. It was the greatest thing ever because we got to buy whatever we wanted! Then we got to spend the entire trip playing with new toys. So the Dollar Store has a special place in my heart … now as an adult, I’m using every excuse I can to make a trip!

I’ve been seeing these stone accent pieces all over expensive home decor stores like Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrell, and even Etsy. They all have one thing in common, they are crazy expensive! And honestly, very trendy. I always hesitate when buying expensive, trendy pieces because they will only last a year or two before they are out of style and need to be updated.

Here’s the thing, vases and bowls are expensive! So, if you have any outdated ones that need a little facelift then use those! But if you’re like me and you love throwing stuff away instead of keeping it, then head over to your local Dollar Store/ Dollar Tree/ Dollar General and grab some good plastic or even glass pieces. I ended up finding 2 pieces and glueing them together so get creative!

  • Vases or bowls from Dollar Store
  • Small container of normal craft paint > This will be the under layer so this color will show through just a little. I picked a good neutral beige color but you can get as crazy as you want.
  • Baking Soda > Yes, you read that correctly. I added baking soda to the paint to thicken it up. It helps to add a more textured and rough look.
  • 3 inch paintbrush > I’d actually recommend a cheaper quality brush, again, this will help add texture to the bowl/vase.
  • Rust – Oleum Stone spray paint > Normally, I’d say you can find this at any hardware store but I was only able to find it at Home Depot.
  • Space to spray paint > Normally I take the easy way out and just paint in the grass, but it’s been raining this week so I used a piece of cardboard.
  • Mask > the stone spray paint has a very strong smell and the particles get EVERYWHERE!

1.Glue together all your pieces. I love to add height to my home decor so I ended up glueing together 2 bowls to add some height and interest. I used hot glue but I think Elmer’s glue would work just fine, if you’re glueing plastic.

2.  Mix your baking soda and paint. Honestly, there isn’t an exact way to do this or a perfect measurement. Every paint is different so finding the thick consistency you want is all about personal preference.

3. Paint one layer of paint on the bowl/vase. If you don’t paint this first coat then the bowl/vase will be completely see through. While the stone spay paint has some color, it is still pretty clear.

  • Let the paint dry really good for 12 hours.
  • Depending on the starting color of your vase/bowl, you might need more than one layer. For my clear, plastic bowls I only needed one coat.

4. Start spray painting the bowl! I ended up doing 3 light layers of spray paint and it turned out awesome!

  • Make sure to let every coat dry completely before adding another coat. This is the worst part because this spray paint does take a lot longer to dry than normal paint. I waited at least 12 hours between each coat.