Home Decor Category

Travel Wall

One of the main complaints I had about our apartment was the limited wall space. But in my town home I have 4 HUGE walls and I’ve been struggling with how to decorate each of them. I love to travel and every time I do, there is a camera strapped to me at all times. So I wanted a cool way to display some of my favorite photos in the house. The wall connected to the stairwell was the perfect spot  because of it’s asymmetric shape and the narrow pathway to the kitchen.

After Holiday Sales 2017

After Holiday Sales 2017

Congrats! You made it through the holidays! Hopefully you’re like me and you didn’t go over budget, too much. But, then again, I like to do most of my shopping after Christmas because the after Christmas sales are awesome! Most people spend all their money on Christmas decor before Christmas, so when it comes time for the sales, stores just want to clear everything out and the discounts are insane! I like to take this opportunity to get my decor for next year ready…. good luck !

‘Naked’ Christmas Tree

‘Naked’ Christmas Tree

With a rambunctious puppy running around, I didn’t want to deal with the stress of decorating my first adult Christmas tree. Also as an excuse to save money, I opted for a ‘naked’ Christmas tree. By ‘naked’ tree, I just mean that I’m not putting up ornaments this year… ‘naked’ sounds better right?

Outdoor Christmas  Decor

Outdoor Christmas Decor

For me, one of the best thing about being out of an apartment is having a front door and porch to decorate. I’m still working on the porch part but I can start decorating the outside for Christmas!

Halloween Decor

Halloween Decor

One of my favorite things about the holidays is getting to decorate. Sadly, I hate Halloween, I hate being scared and death and skeletons, so I try to avoid it. So, this year, I’ve limited my decorating to just the entry way. And it pains me to admit it but I do like Halloween a little bit more after I’ve started decorating for it 🙂

Halloween Door Decor

Halloween Door Decor

I’m obsessed with my Halloween door, so much so that I’m about to nail everything down so it’ll never move! I’ve said it before but I can’t stress it enough, I love front porch/door decorating , if I could make it into a job I would. I love the limited amount of space, it’s much less stressful than decorating your own home. 🙂

Pre-Halloween Shopping List

Pre-Halloween Shopping List

Halloween is by no means my favorite holiday. It’s actually my least favorite because I’m a big scardy-cat. However, my love of decor outweighs my hatred of Halloween, so here I am walking down every Halloween isle (trying to be brave) and decorating. Unlike my Christmas and Thanksgiving decor, my Halloween decor is just for me; I’ll never throw a Halloween party so boyfriend and I will be the only one’s seeing this decor. Sometimes it’s easier when you’re just decorating for yourself because you can limit yourself to pieces that really speak to you.

Dining Room Decor

Dining Room Decor

YAY! I can finally say that I’m a (pretend) adult because I have a dining room! As a kid, I had so many dreams about what my home would look like, most of them were modern and tacky with crazy colors and zebra print everywhere. But, I must say I was really excited to own my home, not because of the financials and that it was ‘the smart thing to do’ but because I wanted to decorate every room, paint the walls and drill holes in the walls, change the tile etc. Well, what my parents didn’t tell me was that decorating and furniture are crazy expensive, and you have to find studs in order to drill holes in the walls. All these technicalities make decorating that much harder. For me, it was the crazy cost of furniture, I know understand why my parents let furniture be handed down to them by their parents and why they bought furniture once every 20 years. You’re spending all this money on items that you have to live with for the next X number of years, and that’s a lot of pressure.

Organizing My Laundry Room

Organizing My Laundry Room

Somehow, I was able to get through 6 years without having to buy my own washer and dryer but when I moved into my house I had to be an adult and buy my own. My town home is a pretty good size, square footage wise, but most of it’s dedicated to livable space and not storage space. Which, I know, is a good problem to have but I have a hard time with where to store all my cleaning supplies so I dedicated this to the laundry room. Since my laundry room is literally just big enough for a washer and drying I couldn’t do one of the super impressive ones that I keep seeing on Pinterest, but I could organize it and bring in some colors 🙂