Archive christmas decor
After Holiday Sales 2017

After Holiday Sales 2017

Congrats! You made it through the holidays! Hopefully you’re like me and you didn’t go over budget, too much. But, then again, I like to do most of my shopping after Christmas because the after Christmas sales are awesome! Most people spend all their money on Christmas decor before Christmas, so when it comes time for the sales, stores just want to clear everything out and the discounts are insane! I like to take this opportunity to get my decor for next year ready…. good luck !

‘Naked’ Christmas Tree

‘Naked’ Christmas Tree

With a rambunctious puppy running around, I didn’t want to deal with the stress of decorating my first adult Christmas tree. Also as an excuse to save money, I opted for a ‘naked’ Christmas tree. By ‘naked’ tree, I just mean that I’m not putting up ornaments this year… ‘naked’ sounds better right?