Archive pumpkin
Pumpkin Cinnamon Dog Treats

Pumpkin Cinnamon Dog Treats

Lucky for Chloe, we had some pumpkin left over from Thanksgiving. So I decided to make Chloe some Thanksgiving treats, since she is too young to eat scraps of people food.

Pre-Halloween Shopping List

Pre-Halloween Shopping List

Halloween is by no means my favorite holiday. It’s actually my least favorite because I’m a big scardy-cat. However, my love of decor outweighs my hatred of Halloween, so here I am walking down every Halloween isle (trying to be brave) and decorating. Unlike my Christmas and Thanksgiving decor, my Halloween decor is just for me; I’ll never throw a Halloween party so boyfriend and I will be the only one’s seeing this decor. Sometimes it’s easier when you’re just decorating for yourself because you can limit yourself to pieces that really speak to you.