Archive Travel
Hotel Review: Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge

Hotel Review: Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge

One thing you’ll quickly learn about Boyfriend and I is that we are not ‘roughing it’ people, we are spoiled brats who can’t go a single day without modern necessities and (of course) wifi. For us, Jasper National Park was the perfect place to get one with nature and experience the outdoors, while also staying at nice hotels.

How to Survive an International Flight

How to Survive an International Flight

As our Canada trip gets closer and closer, I get more excited. I’m always excited to go to Canada because of it’s beauty and how peaceful it feels. However, being from the south, I’ve never look forward to the flight. But, that was before I was a self-proclaimed ‘experienced traveler’ and survived a 12 hour long flight. So I’m feeling pretty confident that I can last a 4 hour flight to Calgary. Over the last couple flights I’ve learned it has nothing to do with you as a person and how long you can remain dormant, but rather preparation. Being prepared for a long ass flight is the only way to survive and I’ve finally developed a list of my go-to tips for surviving an international flight. Keep reading to find out what I swear by.

Recoleta, Buenos Aires

Recoleta, Buenos Aires

Recoleta is a wealthy neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina that’s known for its Parisian influence. It was, by far, my favorite part of Buenos Aires and I’d highly recommend staying here on your next visit (mainly because it’s also the safest place in the city). It has so much culture and amazing things to do that you’ll never be bored. Honestly, there were times when I felt like I was back in Paris.

Travel Guide – Buenos Aires, Argentina

Travel Guide – Buenos Aires, Argentina

For the longest time, or at least since I learned about tango dancing, I’ve been obsessed with Buenos Aires. I dreamed of strolling down the colorful streets in my red flowing dress and listening to Latin music. Luckily, and unluckily, I got to go for work! On the plus side, almost everything is paid for. But the down side is that I’d be spending a full two weeks in this magical city and only getting to really spend 5 days exploring, well 5 days and 14 nights to be exact. Even so, I wanted to make the most of it and see as much as Buenos Aires as I could. Keep reading to see my travel guide for Buenos Aires and all the amazing things this city has to offer.

La Boca, Buenos Aires

La Boca, Buenos Aires

La Boca is one of Buenos Aires’ 48 neighborhoods. It’s known for it’s colorful building and tango. It’s actually really beautiful and a top tourist destination. During our tour, we only really went down Caminito street, which is the heart and soul of La Boca. But we also had time to venture down to the docs to see the port and some amazing colored cobblestone.

Instagrammable Argentina

Instagrammable Argentina

One of my favorite things to do when I travel is scope out all the amazing photogenic locations. So here is my listing of my favorite locations for awesome Instagram photos!

How I Plan My Trips

How I Plan My Trips

One thing that I pride myself on is my ability to plan out vacations. This includes everything from where we’re going and how are we going to get there, to where we eat and what activities we do. Everyone is different and the most important thing is to make your vacation specific and perfect for you, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks as long as you have fun! We like to have everything planned out, to the minute, when we leave for a trip. Things can always change and we’re pretty flexible, but we like going in with a plan.

The Importance of a Staycation

The Importance of a Staycation

I absolutely love to travel, see the world, and explore other cultures. But because of this, most of my vacations aren’t too relaxing, I love to get up early, get out, and explore! I have to admit that it can be pretty exhausting and not the traditional relaxing vacation at the beach. That being said, I’ve recently grown to appreciate the ‘staycation’. There is something to be said about just staying at home, taking a break from work, and getting your life together (adult style). Regardless of if your ideal vacation is laying on the beach or exploring a new city, we can all agree that a vacation means taking a break from everyday life and doing something that benefits you. During the workweek I feel like I’m drowning because I get home and all I want to do is climb into bed but there is so much that still needs to get done. And we can all agree that weekends are never long enough. This is where a staycation comes into play.

Lightroom Edits – Alaska

Lightroom Edits – Alaska

In 2010, after I graduated High School, my family and I went on a cruise to Alaska. Long story short it was breathtaking and insanely beautiful. I had just gotten my fist DSLR camera and I remember taking pictures of absolutely everything, including a bunch of staged family photos 🙂 They quickly became some of our favorite photos with the beautiful backdrops Alaska provides. At the time, I think Photoshop was the only mainstream photo editing tool available and it was crazy expensive, like over $1,000. So I didn’t do any updates to the photos. But of course when I started playing around in Lightroom, I had to go back and play around with some of the Alaska photos, or at least the ones that I could find.

Travel Hacking Part 3 – Cards I Wish I Had Sooner

Travel Hacking Part 3 – Cards I Wish I Had Sooner

I truly wish I was one of those people who lived life with no regrets, but truth be told I have a lot. I worry too much and overthink things and always wish I was more spontaneous. Credit cards are no exception, over the last year that I’ve been researching credit cards and earning points, I’ve grown confident in my understanding of credit cards and their various perks, including the annual fees that come along. Most of my regrets come from just dipping my toes in the water instead of diving in full force. I think all the time about how many points I could have had if I had been accumulating points since my first credit card in 2014, or jumping right in and applying for the Chase Sapphire when it was 100,000 bonus points (still kicking myself over that one). In the end, I’m a person who learns from their mistakes. So I needed to go through them in order to learn on my own. But, if you’re one of those people who can learn from other’s mistakes, here is list of credit cards I wish I had gotten sooner and why: